Squire SE bodies for sale
Here are a nice pair of bodies - offers considered
Squire by Fender SE bodies, which are full thickness, 45mm, made from Agathis which is closely related to mahogany, it’s heavier and harder than alder, its density is actually very close to Ash. These date from the early 2000s and are both in great condition.£39.00 Free UK postage and packing (International Shipping available)
This Stratocaster body in 43mm thick, with a 56mm neck pocket.
- 43mm thick (± 0.5 mm Deviation)
- 56mm neck pocket (± 0.5 mm Deviation)
- 1.755kg
This body is ready to be finished in a colour or style of your choice, a perfect replacement body. Hand finished in the UK.
We have one aged white body left in stock – email us for details

#diyguitar #guitarkit #squierse #squierbody #stratocasterbody
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